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Day 53: Babcock Hall Dairy Store

[ 0 ] February 22, 2011 |

Photo Credit: UW Science on Campus

In the summer, a warm sunny afternoon in Madison would not be complete without a trip to the UW Memorial Union for a scoop of the University’s own Babcock Ice Cream.  Although famous for their ice cream, did you know that Babcock also produces award winning cheeses and bottles locally produced milk?

The Babcock Hall Dairy Store, located at 1605 Linden Drive on the University of Wisconsin campus was built in 1951, and currently functions as the oldest university dairy plant building in the United States.   The store and the plant exist to fulfill its mission to support research, teaching, and outreach of the UW Food Science Department, while producing quality dairy products for the University and community.

Visitors to the Babcock Hall Dairy Store can purchase a variety of cheeses, ice cream by the scoop or pint, specialty Babcock coffees, or a quick breakfast or lunch.   If you are not in the Madison area, you can place your order online for delivery to your front door!

The Babcock Hall Dairy Store is open Monday through Friday 7:30am-5:30pm, Saturday 11am-4pm, and Football Saturdays 10am-5:30pm.

Visit the Dairy Store Website for more information!

Category: 365 Things To Do in Madison

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