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Thank You & Happy Holidays

[ 2 ] December 10, 2010 |

CEO and Founder Tom Bunbury wraps up and reflects on our successful 2010 Client Appreciation Event.

The Annual Bunbury & Associates company Client Appreciation Event has gone way beyond Christmas tree give-aways.  What began 5 years ago with several hundred attendees, has now grown to over 900 people attending (and in a snow storm now less) and this year collecting over 400 toys for the “Toys for Tots” charity!  Photos with Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus, pony rides in the arena, coloring for the kids, cookies and cider, etc.  Truly the greatest joy of this event is gathering of families in a fun-filled setting.

Family values have always been important to us and as we celebrate our personal and company families, we wish all our readers of this blog the joys of the season and hope for the future that we continue to see in the faces of our children.

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