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South Central Wisconsin Weekend Activities

[ 1 ] December 2, 2010 |

South Central Wisconsin is predicted to get our first snowfall this weekend, and everyone is abuzz with Holiday excitement.  There are plenty of holiday activities going on in our area, and surely something for everyone.  At Bunbury & Associates, we are preparing for our annual Client Appreciation Party on Saturday, where we get to thank over 900 clients for their business and support during 2010 with sleigh rides, horse rides, a visit with Santa, and plenty of cookies and goodies.  If you are one of our clients who is invited this Saturday, we can’t wait to celebrate at this special event with you!

Here are our picks for area fun this weekend, make it a great one!

Alpine Carol Sing and Tree Lighting
Date: Friday, December 3rd
Location: Turner Hall, Monroe
A very special traditional Alpine event of singing carols of German origin and lighting a live Christmas tree with real candles. Gingerbread house decorating contest.
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Parade of Lights
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Downtown Jefferson
Annual event features holiday floats, marching bands, music and fun. Caroling and refreshments after the parade.

Christmas in the Community
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Location: Downtown Edgerton
Once again Christmas in Edgerton is bringing a lot of cheer and activities to its Community. Christmas celebrations include Customer Appreciation activities, refreshments, prizes, holiday entertainment and a special Open House at the Edgerton Depot featuring Jolly Ol’ St. Nick himself.

St. Nicholas Day / Craft & Cookie Sale
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Location: Highs School Commons & Swiss Church, New Glarus
Cookie sale at Swiss Church. St. Nicholas Day shopping downtown. Lunch with Santa, kids crafts, and a visit with Santa at the High School.

Gallery Night
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 5-9pm
Location: Downtown Mineral Point
Downtown art galleries and studios open until 9 pm. Featured artists showcase new work. At least 16 galleries with a large mix of art works.
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Chocolate Fest
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 5-8pm
Location: Rotary Gardens, Janesville
An evening of chocolate decadence, crowned by the premiere lighting of the Holiday Light Show throughout the Gardens.
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Columbus Holiday Home Tour
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 11am-4pm
Location: Columbus
Various homes around the Columbus area will be available to tour. They will be all decked out for the Holidays.
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Fair Trade Holiday Festival
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 9am-4pm
Location: Monona Terrace, 1 John Nolan Dr, Madison
Support the fair trade cause and do some holiday shopping at the Fair Trade Holiday Festival! Over 50 vendors of fair trade gifts: Art, crafts, clothing, home decorations, pottery, weavings, food gifts, and more form Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East … and Wisconsin!

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Downtown Baraboo Cookie Walk
Date: Saturday, December 4th
Time: 11:30-1:30pm
Location: Downtown Baraboo
A holiday cookies box may be purchased at Bekah Kate’s or Garden Party Cafe during the Character Breakfast. Participating stores will have an assortment of holiday cookies and candies available to fill your cookie boxes. Listen to strolling carolers while shopping. Horse-drawn wagon rides around the Square and visits with Santa 11-4.

Capitol Holiday Pageant
Date: Sunday, December 5th
Time: Performances at 4:15pm & 5:15pm
Location: Wisconsin State Capitol Building, Madison
Annual Holiday Pageant in the Capitol Rotunda. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Madison West. Two identical performances.

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Category: Madison Wisconsin