Bunbury & Associates Prepares to Give Back this Holiday Season
Madison, Wis. (October 18, 2010) – Bunbury & Associates Realtors®, South Central Wisconsin’s premier Real Estate company, understands the importance of giving back this holiday season. This coming December, Bunbury & Associates Realtors® will not only be giving back to their buyers and sellers but also to children within our community.
“This event is one of the most special events we have,” said Erik Sjowall, President of Bunbury & Associates Realtors®. “We are able to say Thank You to all of our wonderful clients and friends with a nice holiday gift and also able collect hundreds of toys to help those in need. I am so proud of all the agents who understand the importance of giving back to the community. Year after year this is a huge success.”
After a challenging economic times in the real estate industry, agents at Bunbury & Associates Realtors® want to say thank you to their buyers and sellers by giving away more than 500 Christmas trees, wreaths and poinsettias at Carriage Ridge Stables in Westport.
Bunbury & Associates Realtors® will be making Saturday, December 4th 2010 a fun, family event by offering goodies and treats for all ages. Clients and their families will be able to enjoy horse drawn wagon rides, horseback rides, cookies, hot cider and pictures with Santa Claus.
Bunbury & Associates Realtors® also acknowledges the importance of giving back to the community, and has asked that everyone participating in the event bring an unwrapped toy that will be given to a local charity – Toys for Tots. Bunbury & Associates Realtors® believes the best way to make a difference is in your own community – giving back to friends, family, and neighbors.
“This is a great way to start the holiday season,” said Tom Bunbury, CEO of Bunbury & Associates Realtors®. “We are proud to be part of the giving holiday spirit that has always been a tradition in Madison and the surrounding communities!”
In 2009, the Client Appreciation Event welcomed over 700 clients! Clients and agents also contributed over 375 toys and books to be donated to Dane County Toys 4 Tots. We look forward to what we can do together this coming holiday season!
Category: Company News